List of all baccalaureate and master's levels social work degree programs that are currently Accredited or in Candidacy or Pre-Candidacy Status. Accreditation of a program extends to all approved locations and delivery methods as long as the degree is granted from that program and the program of study is listed as social work. All programs in the directory are reviewed periodically and fall under one of the following statuses:
Fully Accredited
Accredited (Conditional)
Accredited with documented noncompliance with one or more standards that must be addressed within a year
Accredited (Withdrawal in Progress)
Accredited with a planned closure date
Program has completed at least one year of Candidacy process and is moving toward full accreditation within two years
Program has had standards approved in draft form and is scheduled to be reviewed for Candidacy status within one year
CSWE also keeps a record of formerly accredited or approved baccalaureate programs, formerly accredited master's programs, and accredited post-master's fellowship programs.