
2024 CSWE Annual Conference

It's Time to Act: Indigenous Knowledge Sovereignty and Environmental Justice, October 24 – 27, Kansas City, MO
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2022 EPAS Toolkit Now Available

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  • Join Us in Celebrating Social Work Month 2024

    March is Social Work Month and the Council on Social Work Education invites you to celebrate it with us! This year's theme, "Empowering Social Workers: Inspiring Action, Leading Change," is a call to support social workers so that they can fulfill their mission to enhance human well-being. For CSWE, this call also means supporting those who are teaching or studying in social work programs across the United States. Our more than 900 accredited social work programs offer the pathway to this rewarding career.

  • Happy New Year From CSWE's President & CEO

    Aloha, CSWE members, families, and friends! Happy New Year! First, I want to thank all of you for being my sustaining force this past year. Almost exactly a year ago, I entered this position with the question, “Where are we future-ing social work education?” What kind of future do we want for social work education and how do we get there? This past year I’ve learned a lot from all of you in social work and our sister disciplines with some common themes of the importance of returning to the backbone of our roots, embracing that Sankofa moment, and leveraging the extraordinary hope and strength of the human spirit leaning into the future. 

  • CSWE Names Dr. Collina D. Cooke as Director of Minority Fellowship Program

    CSWE is pleased to announce its new Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) director, Collina D. Cooke, PhD, LCSW. Dr. Cooke comes to CSWE with a background in clinical social work and expertise in program management. Dr. Cooke, a first-generation college student, earned her bachelor’s and master’s in social work as well as her PhD from the University at Albany (State University of New York). Dr. Cooke comes to CSWE by way of EmblemHealth Health@Work in Albany, where she was a case manager helping workers who were injured or ill recover and return to work. Her strengths and experience in counseling, crisis management, and patient advocacy inform her approach to leadership and mentorship.


CSWE Accreditation

CSWE's Commission on Accreditation (COA) is responsible for developing accreditation standards that define competent preparation and ensuring that social work programs meet these standards. In accordance with the requirements of CSWE's recognition body, the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), the CSWE Office of Social Work Accreditation…


Fully Accredited

Accredited (Conditional)

Accredited with documented noncompliance with one or more standards that must be addressed within a year

Accredited (Withdrawal in Progress)

Accredited with a planned closure date


Program has completed at least one year of Candidacy process and is moving toward full accreditation within two years


Program has had standards approved in draft form and is scheduled to be reviewed for Candidacy status within one year

Search Directory of Accredited Programs


About Us

Founded in 1952, the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) is the national association representing social work education in the United States. Its members include over 750 accredited baccalaureate and master’s degree social work programs, as well as individual social work educators, practitioners, and agencies dedicated to advancing quality social work education. Through its many initiatives, activities, and centers, CSWE supports quality social work education and provides opportunities for leadership and professional development, so that social workers play a central role in achieving the profession’s goals of social and economic justice.

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The CSWE organizational mission includes the charge to advocate for social work education and research. CSWE's strategic plan outlines the need for research to inform policy and practice and to serve the needs of CSWE member programs—their deans, directors, faculty members, and students. The CSWE Commission on Research (COR) and CSWE research staff work to serve that need. The COR developed research priorities with input from the CSWE commissions and councils to guide their work; they will report on progress periodically.

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Current Number of Social Work Programs 
(as of June 2024)

  • 550

    accredited baccalaureate programs

  • 340

    accredited master's programs

  • 8

    candidate baccalaureate programs

  • 21

    candidate master's programs

  • 6

    pre-candidate baccalaureate programs

  • 14

    pre-candidate master's programs

  • 4

    accredited post-master's fellowship programs