Practice Doctorate Program Accreditation

Practice Doctorate Program Accreditation

CSWE and its Board of Accreditation (BOA) piloted the accreditation of practice doctorate programs from 2021-2025. For information regarding the accreditation pilot, please click here

It is anticipated that additional practice doctorate programs will be able to seek accreditation in late-2025. This timeline is subject to change pending Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) review and expansion of the BOA’s accreditation scope. CSWE’s BOA is currently recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) to accredit baccalaureate and master’s social work degree programs in the United States and its territories. 

Programs interested in seeking accreditation post-pilot are encouraged to complete the Practice Doctorate Program Record Audit Form. This will allow CSWE to maintain accurate records to communicate important updates as they become available.

For information about post-pilot accreditation, click here.
For information about practice doctorate accreditation standards, click here.
For Frequently Asked Questions, click here