The award recognizes scholarship that contributes to knowledge about disability; full participation of persons with disabilities; social, political, and economic issues related to disability and persons with disabilities; and social work education curriculum materials focused on disability and persons with disabilities. Disability Manuscript Award winner(s) will be recognized at the CSWE Annual Conference.

CDPD particularly encourages submission of manuscripts that do the following:

  • Are consistent with the CDPD mission
  • Use appropriate methodology
  • Include well-developed applications to social work practice or policy
  • Include clear implications for social work education
  • Demonstrate a significant affect on the disability field and persons with disabilities through publication or other means
  • Are innovative in overall concepts and purpose
  • Manuscripts featuring experiences of disabled people and people with disabilities will be prioritized
  • Positionality statements within manuscripts are highly encouraged

Please note that there is a 30-page limit on manuscript submissions. Manuscripts that are over the page limit will not be considered. Applicants should remove all identifying information from the manuscript upload.

CSWE membership is an eligibility requirement for all commission and council awards. To check your membership status, or link your membership your social work program visit and click Link to Program/Join CSWE.

If Selected as an Award Winner:

  • At least one (1) and up to (2) authors must agree to present the manuscript (as an oral paper presentation) at CSWE's Annual Conference.
  • At least one author must attend the award presentation during the CDPD Connect session at the CSWE Annual Conference.

*Proposal Submission (via Cadmium) is not required to be eligible for this award. CSWE will coordinate with award winner to include their paper presentation in the final program book.


Please click here to submit your application.

The call for nominations will close March 16, 2025 at 11:59 PM (ET).