Award Description
The Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, & Expression (SOGIE) Award honors excellence in scholarship that celebrates the lives of; promotes social justice, equity, and inclusion, and expands understanding of intersectional topics that affect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, sexual-expansive, gender-expansive, two-spirit, and all others under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella, in social work education and practice. The award is given to research that demonstrates high impact and advances the core values of the social work profession regarding LGBTQIA+ communities.
The focus of this award is the promotion of high impact, peer-reviewed LGBTQIA+ scholarship related to social work education and practice. The topics may include but are not limited to development and/or critical analysis social work pedagogy, inquiry of explicit and implicit environmental issues in social work programs, identification and analysis of policies, procedures, and activities that impact LGBTQIA+ communities in social work education, intersectional issues facing LGBTQIA+ communities in social work practice, and innovative social work practice techniques to address challenges LGBTQIA+ communities. The award is designated to highlight research contributions about and/or by LGBTQIA+ communities, and applicants who self-identify as LGBTQIA+ are encouraged to apply.
Submission Guidelines
To apply for this award, submit the following information:
- A copy of your scholarly paper as a Word document with all identifying information removed, including references to location and institutional affiliation.
- A letter about the impact of research conducted on social work education and practice related to LGBTQIA+ communities (2 pages max).
- Individuals who received this award within the last 3 years are ineligible for applying for the award.
Publications should be within the last 2 years to be considered for this award.
Nominees must be a CSWE member, including students and staff.
Applications will be reviewed by members of the Council on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression (CSOGIE).
The annual award will consist of a plaque.
If Selected as an Award Winner:
- At least one (1) and up to (2) authors must agree to present the manuscript (as an oral paper presentation) at CSWE's Annual Conference.
- At least one author must attend the award presentation which will take place during the LGBT Caucus/CSOGIE Reception.
- Submit a copy of the in press or published manuscript as it appears in press or published including the authors names.
*Proposal Submission (via Cadmium) is not required to be eligible for this award. CSWE will coordinate with award winner to include their paper presentation in the final program book.
Please click here to submit your application.
The call for nominations will close March 16, 2025 at 11:59 PM (ET).
Frequently Asked Questions
Review the FAQ page to learn more about the SOGIE Scholarship Award.