Annual Survey of Social Work Programs Questions
These are frequently asked questions for the Annual Survey of Social Work Programs. The Annual Survey, a census of all social work programs, is completed each fall. If you have questions that are not addressed here, feel free to submit them or to contact the research assistant.
Are there any changes to the survey this year?

There are no major changes to the survey this year.
Can I save the survey once I start?

Yes. Once you begin the survey you will be able to save the survey and return later by clicking the ‘Save and Continue later’ icon in the bottom right hand corner of the survey screen. When you are ready to return, use the survey link, and you can choose to return to the survey where you left off, or return to the beginning of the survey.
How can I give other survey contributors (e.g., HR or Financial Aid) access to the survey?

You can easily give access to other contributing parties by forwarding them your invite e-mail with the link for that program level. If you do delegate the survey to multiple parties, please inform them that only 1 person can be logged in at a time. Also, emphasize that they should use the ‘Save & Continue Later’ button at the bottom right hand corner of the screen when they complete their data entry.
How do I access the survey?

Each program contact will receive an e-mail with a link to each section of the survey. If you are responsible for multiple sections of the survey, then you will have multiple links in the e-mail.
What do contributors need to know about the survey?

Please advise any contributors that once they have finished with their part they must click ‘SAVE & CONTINUE LATER’. Also, advise any contributors other than the main program contact that they should avoid clicking the ‘SUBMIT’ button. Once you submit the survey we will be unable to open it again. Only click submit after information has been reviewed and you have confirmed that the survey is complete.
What if I cannot acquire some of the information requested?

CSWE understands that not all programs track every given piece of information we ask for. We ask that programs fill out the data to the best of their ability, making every effort to acquire the requested information. We also include a category of ‘Unknown’ for many of our questions and ask that you utilize this category when appropriate.
What if I cannot advance to the next page of the survey?

What if I did not receive the survey invite e-mail?

There are two main reasons why survey participants would not receive the e-mail.
- It is possible that CSWE does not have you listed as the main contact for your program and we need to update our records (you may need to speak with your accreditation specialist).
- The e-mail security at your institution filtered the e-mail to your junk mail.
E-mail the research assistant (, so that she can check the database and send you an invitation, if needed.
What if my program is using the new IPEDS racial/ethnic identification categories?

New IPEDS Categories |
Related CSWE Categories |
1) Nonresident Alien | Add to Foreign (no resident visa) [separate question from race/ethnicity]. If race/ethnicity is unknown, also add to the “Unknown” category. |
2) Race and Ethnicity Unknown | Unknown |
3) Hispanics of any race | Other Latino/Hispanic |
Native American Indian/Native American | |
5) Asian | Asian American/Other Asian |
6) Black or African American | African American/Other Black |
7) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | Pacific Islander |
8) White | White (non-hispanic) |
9) Two or more races | Multiple Race/Ethnicity |
When is the survey due?

Programs should submit their completed surveys no later than 5:00 p.m. EST on Friday, February 4, 2011.
Why do some of the questions automatically total and others do not?

There are two basic types of numeric questions that require totals: list questions and matrix questions. The list questions will automatically produce a total as you complete them (e.g., the racial/ethnic identity demographic questions). The matrix questions will not produce a total and require that the user total the numbers manually (e.g., the age and gender questions). Zarca hopes to roll-out an automatic totaling feature for the matrix style question in a future upgrade. Please check your math carefully for all questions.