Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education

The Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education (Women's Council) is responsible for providing awareness about the status and role of individuals who identify as women in social work education. The council also works for the full participation of individuals who identify as women, uplifting the work of individuals who identify as women in social work education, facilitating mentorships for peers, junior faculty, and students through their education journey and into leadership positions in social work education.

Activities include an Annual Feminist Networking Breakfast and Mentor Recognition Fund(Opens in a new window) and the Feminist Scholar, Feminist Manuscript(Opens in a new window) Award(Opens in a new window), Community Impact, and Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) Manuscript Awards. To apply for these awards and/or the fund, visit the CSWE Submittable website.

Recently Released Statement on Social Justice

The members of the Women's Council worked to create a statement in support of Black faculty, staff, and students in social work education. It is the Council's first step in an ongoing effort to lift up the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color voices and scholarship in the profession. Visit the Social Justice Community on CSWE Spark(Opens in a new window) to read the statement. 


