The Council on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression (CSOGIE) and the Council on Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Diversity (CRECD) present the Two-Spirit, Queer, and Trans People of Color (2-QTPOC) Award.

Award Requirements

The nominee’s contributions could be significant and outstanding peer-reviewed scholarship that enriches the knowledge-base of Two-Spirit, Queer and/or Trans People of Color (2-QTPOC) communities, their needs, and effective interventions; an activity or program that fosters or sustains a positive and inclusive culture and climate for 2-QTPOC communities in social work education; and/or mentorship of 2-QTPOC faculty members and/or students.

Given that this award is designated to highlight an area of social work scholarship that has been historically and systematically marginalized, applicants who self-identify as LGBTQ+ persons of color or two-spirit persons are encouraged to apply. An application consists of the following:

  • A nomination or self-nomination letter that provides details about specific contributions of the nominee’s teaching/mentorship, research, and/or service in areas that affect 2-QTPOC communities
  • The nominee’s curriculum vitae
  • At least one letter of support

Nominees must be a CSWE member, social work scholar, educator, and/or mentor to be eligible for this award. To check your membership status, or link your membership your social work program visit CSWE Membership and click Link to Program/Join CSWE.
At least two members of CRECD and two members of CSOGIE will review the nominations and select the awardee. Biographical information and a photo of the awardee will appear on the CSWE website and may be included in the Final Conference Program, if space permits. 


This award includes a $500 honorarium, which will be included in the annual conference sponsorship package. 


The call for nominations is now closed. Please check back soon for the list of awardees.

Please click here to submit your application

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The call for nominations will close March 16, 2025, at 11:59 PM (ET).