National Nominating Committee
- The nominating committee, in accordance with policies prescribed by the Council, shall prepare double slates of nominees for officers, members of the board of directors, and members of the nominating committee.
- The nominating committee will develop a slate of candidates for officers and board members that will result in 50% composition from underrepresented groups as identified in the CSWE's DEI Policy.(Opens in a new window) (PDF)
- Not less than 90 days prior to the election, the nominating committee shall report its nominations to the secretary, who in turn will convey them to the executive committee of the board of directors.
Erica Sandoval, LCSW
Chair and Practice Representative
Siembra Today
Insoo Chung, PhD, MSW
Undergraduate Faculty Representative
Norfolk State University
Javonda Williams-Moss, PhD, MSW, LCSW
Graduate Faculty Representative
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Jennifer Elkins, PhD, MSSW
Graduate Program Representative
University of Georgia
Christa Gilliam, PhD, MSW*
Board Liaison to the NNC
Coppin State University
Makeba Green, PhD, MSW
Undergraduate Program Representative
Bowie State University
Marie R. Jenkins, MSW, LCSW
Undergraduate Program Representative
University of Arkansas at Monticello
Rebecca Gomez, PhD, LCSW
Graduate Program Representative
Virginia Commonwealth University
April Jones, PhD, LMSW
Department Chair and Associate Professor
Tuskegee University
Paul Mackie, PhD, LISW
Undergraduate Faculty Representative
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Suk-hee Kim, PhD, COI, MSW*
Board Representative to the NNC
Northern Kentucky University
Tarek Zidan, PhD, MSW
Graduate Faculty Representative
Indiana University
Yvonne Woods, PhD, MSW, CSW
Graduate Program Representative
University of the Virgin Islands