2015 EPAS Accreditation Toolkit

2015 EPAS Accreditation Toolkit 

This toolkit encompasses the accreditation materials for the 2015 EPAS for baccalaureate and master's programs. Resources for the newer set of standards, the 2022 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS), can be found here. All programs are encouraged to review the 2022 EPAS Implementation Timeline to determine the set of EPAS the program falls under. 


For Accredited Programs:

For Candidacy Programs:

  • Candidacy Eligibility Application

  • Candidacy Fees and Related Expenses

  • Faculty Hiring Grid

  • Candidacy Benchmark Grid

  • Benchmark 1 Volume 1 Template: This optional formatted template includes all standards and their components.  Programs choosing to use this template should incorporate their response to each standard directly into the Word document. When complete, the document will comprise Volume I of the full Benchmark I. This will be submitted along with Volume II (syllabi); Volume III (student handbook and field manual); and the Benchmark I Review Brief.

  • Benchmark 1 Review Brief (2015 EPAS): The baccalaureate or master's program is to download and complete its portion of the Benchmark I Review Brief and send it to the Accreditation Specialist along with the Benchmark I document. The Benchmark I Review Brief is used by the BOA reader to report their evaluation of the program reviewed for candidacy status.

  • Benchmark 2 Volume 1 Template: This optional formatted template includes all standards and their components.  Programs choosing to use this template should incorporate their response to each standard directly into the Word document.  When complete, the document will comprise Volume I of the full Benchmark II.  This will be submitted along with Volume II (syllabi); Volume III (student handbook and field manual); and the Benchmark II Review Brief.

  • Benchmark 2 Review Brief (2015 EPAS):  The baccalaureate or master's program is to download and complete its portion of the Benchmark II Review Brief and send it to the Accreditation Specialist along with the Benchmark II document. The Benchmark II Review Brief is used by the BOA reader to report their evaluation of the program reviewed for a second year of Candidacy status. 

  • Initial Accreditation Eligibility Application

  • Benchmark 3/Initial Accreditation Self-Study Volume 1 Template: This optional formatted template includes all standards and their components. Baccalaureate and master's programs choosing to use this template should incorporate their response to each standard directly into the Word document. When complete, the document will comprise Volume I of the full self-study.

    Initial Accreditation Review Brief: The baccalaureate or master's program is to download and complete its portion of the Initial Accreditation Review Brief and send it to the accreditation specialist along with the Initial Accreditation Self-Study. The Initial Accreditation Review Brief is used by the BOA reader to report their evaluation of the program reviewed for initial accreditation.

  • Program Response to the Candidacy Visit Report Template

Required Forms and Samples: