Fellowship Accreditation Policies and Procedures

Fellowship programs accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)’s Board of Accreditation (BOA) provide training and supervision to master’s-level social work practitioners within one or more defined areas of social work practice.  

The Fellowship Review Committee (FRC) serves as the primary review body for fellowship programs seeking initial or continued accreditation and is responsible for making accreditation decision recommendations to the BOA.

Are you interested in accrediting your post-master's social work fellowship program?

Please reach out to fellowshipaccred@cswe.org with questions or to schedule a consultation. In addition, existing or developing fellowship programs are asked to complete the Post-Master’s Social Work Fellowship Program Database Record Form. This will allow CSWE to have accurate details regarding social work fellowship programs and up-to-date records so we may communicate important updates.  

Initial Accreditation Process:

The following process is followed by fellowship programs seeking initial accreditation:Process Chart for fellowship programs seeking initial accreditation

Fellowship Accreditation Handbook

The Post-Master’s Social Work Fellowship Accreditation Handbook was developed to supplement the Accreditation Policy Handbook used for baccalaureate and master’s social work program accreditation. The fellowship handbook identifies the accreditation policies and procedures that apply to post-master’s social work fellowship programs, specifically. 


Current Fellowship Accreditation Fees and Related Expenses: List and explanation of fees related to the accreditation of post-master's social work fellowship programs.

Accreditation Materials

Additional Resources: