From the MFP Team 

Greetings from the MFP Team!

As we approach the end of the 2023–2024 MFP fellowship year, we want to express our deepest gratitude to all volunteers who in the forms of mentors, alumni and guest speakers, 50th Anniversary Committee members, Advisory Board members, CV/résumé consultants, and application reviewers contributed to making this year a success! MFP fellows were offered invaluable professional positioning opportunities, connections with like-minded colleagues and critical insight on career trajectories that involve supporting marginalized communities in the behavioral health sector. 

Looking ahead to the 2024–2025 fellowship year, we invite MFP alumni and social work communities to continue supporting the program through volunteerism that directly impacts and nurtures the next generation of professionals. To explore MFP volunteer opportunities, please review the various role descriptions and submit a volunteer form

This year, MFP fellows were invited to participate in a variety of in-person events including CSWE’s Annual Program Meeting, Fellows Forum, and the National Association of Social Workers conference. Many fellows also attended conferences aligned with their professional goals through utilizing MFP funding including the Society for Social Work Research Conference; SAMHSA’s MFP Symposium; Joint Meeting on Youth Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery; and the Virginia Association for Play Therapy Annual conference, among others. Along the way, fellows gained valuable knowledge through attending substance use, mental health, leadership, and cultural competence focused presentations and workshops. Additionally, several fellows disseminated their own research findings amongst behavioral health colleagues at in-person events. 

Through these opportunities fellows established meaningful connections amongst each other, building bonds over shared passion for supporting diverse communities as social work professionals. MFP hopes to continue curating spaces, in-person and virtually, that promote connection, community and exchange of knowledge on social work practice with underserved communities.    

Congratulations to the 2023–2024 doctoral and master’s cohort of the MFP. We look forward to continuing to witness your contributions to the social work profession. Find out more about 2023–2024 MFP fellows here:

With gratitude,

The MFP Team

Interested in Applying to Become an MFP Fellow?

As MFP transitions into a new fellowship year, we are excited to share that we are gearing up to invite 70 fellows to join the MFP 2024–2025 cohort! As we prepare to welcome the 2024–2025 MFP cohort, we are also looking ahead to the program's expansion in years to come. If you are interested in learning more about the program, and would be interested in applying for the doctoral or MSW fellowships during the 2025–2026 fellowship year, please sign up to be notified once applications open by using the QR codes below:


Celebrating MFP’s Legacy

Did you know that 2024 marks 50 years since CSWE’s MFP was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Mental Health to increase the number of minority doctoral students majoring in mental health research? This first award was the catalyst for the program we have today. Please take time to acknowledge those who paved the way with our ongoing MFP Legacy section highlighting those fellows who first were awarded fellowship. Find information on all 15 of the 1975–1976 cohort of MFP doctoral fellows here. Below is one fellow’s biographical profile from when they were a fellow.


Belva L. Kaulay has just completed her BS in Human Services at Metro State College in Denver, CO. Previously she worked as a coordinator at the St. Francis Indian School in South Dakota and as a counselor with the Federal Youth Center in Colorado. She will enter the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Denver to earn her MSW.”

We Need You! Volunteer With CSWE-MFP 

There are many opportunities to volunteer with CSWE’s MFP this upcoming fellowship year. You do not have to be an MFP alumnus or social work educator to volunteer! Volunteering for the MFP is not time consuming, you get back what you give, and the time to apply is now. Here’s how you can help:

1.    Become an application reader: Support the selection of the next cohort of master’s and doctoral MFP fellows!
2.    Be a guest speaker: Share your subject matter expertise by speaking on one of the topics, requested by incoming students (see below). Alternatively, if there’s a topic you believe to be of value to this group, please reach out to discuss it with our team.

  • Abolitionist social work
  • Disability-centered social work practice
  • Grants 101
  • Grief
  • Inclusive sex therapy
  • Innovative research methods
  • Innovative treatment modalities
  • LGBTQ youth mental health
  • Narrative therapy
  • Pathways to clinical licensure
  • Postgraduation trials and tribulations
  • Program evaluation
  • Role of social work in reentry
  • Social work and the arts
  • Strengths-based approaches to working with BIPOC communities
  • Supporting international students

3.    Join our advisory committee: Put your great ideas to great use—steer the program and provide input on key areas, including programming, alumni engagement, and applicant recruitment.
4.    Mentor a master’s or doctoral student: Support the academic and career development of a student passionate about meeting the needs of BIPOC communities.

Find more information about getting involved and apply today!

We Need You! Call for MFP 50th Anniversary Gala Donations

We are asking for your support in commemorating the 50th anniversary of CSWE’s MFP at the 2024 Annual Program Meeting (APM) with our MFP 50th Anniversary Awards Gala. Your donation will ensure a memorable evening of celebration, recognition, and inspiration as we honor the legacy of MFP and those who have made significant contributions to the social work profession.

Individual donations are exclusively to support the MFP 50th Anniversary Awards Gala on October 26 in Kansas City at APM and are separate and distinct from the federally funded MFP Program.

Your contribution will help us recognize the trailblazers in research and clinical practice, showcasing their impact and fostering a sense of community among MFP alumni and current fellows. We will highlight this momentous event with a historical tribute that traces the remarkable journey of the MFP, showcasing its profound impact on the social work profession and spotlighting the invaluable contributions of MFP fellows, both past and present. Together, let's make this milestone celebration a resounding success and continue to advance diversity, equity, and excellence in social work education and practice. Donate here to be a part of this historic event!


Update Your Contact Information

Have you changed jobs in the last few years? Changed your primary email address? CSWE’s MFP relies on current contact information for our internal database, which we use to contact alumni and help us prepare our reports for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Please use this link  to share your updated contact information. Additionally, you are encouraged to reach out to MFP alumni you are connected with and request that they share their updated information too. Thank you in advance for supporting MFP team efforts to enhance connectedness in the MFP community.



Council on Social Work Education’s Annual Program Meeting
Picture5-(2).jpgCSWE's  Annual Program Meeting is coming to Kansas City, MO, in 2024. Join us October 24–27 for the annual event everyone in social work education looks forward to, students and faculty alike. Registration is now open. Click here to get started!



SUD 101 Core Curriculum (2023)

“The 23 modules in this 2023 curriculum provide an overview of evidence-based practices in the prevention, identification, and treatment of substance use disorders and co-occurring medical and psychiatric conditions for a variety of populations.” 

Learn more: