Education Resources

The Education Resources section is a compendium of material intended to help programs and faculty members in curriculum development and assessment activities. Resource materials include advanced practice knowledge and practice behaviors related to the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS), syllabi, bibliographies, case studies, assessment tools, and videos for use in the classroom.

The search option below allows users to search for member-curated resources. We hope to continue to expand this collection with the help of members with expertise in specific areas of practice. CSWE members who are logged into the website may submit a resource by selecting the  "Education Resources Contribution" tab on the lefthand portion of this page. 

Additional tabs on the left of the screen link to CSWE curated resources.

Special Features

Below are additional resources available to our members: our 2015 EPAS Curricular Guide Resource Series; CSWE's Teaching With and Teaching about Technology; the Educator|Resource of the Month, provided by the Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice; and substance use resources from the Practitioner Education in Substance Use Disorders initiative. To learn more, click an image to be redirected to the corresponding page.

Specialized Practice Curricular Guide for Substance Use Social Work Practice(Opens in a new window)
2015 EPAS Curricular Guides
Technology Advisory Group (TAG)
Technology Advisory Group (TAG)
Educator | Resource of the Month
Educator | Resource of the Month
Practitioner Education in Substance Use Disorders
Substance Use Resources from Practitioner Education Initiative