
CSWE 69th Annual Program Meeting
2023 APM
Atlanta Marriott Marquis

It's Time to Act: Defining and Reckoning With Anti-Racist Social Work Education

October 26-29, 2023

2023 Annual Program Meeting

Atlanta Marriott Marquis
265 Peachtree Center Avenue NE, Atlanta, Georgia, 30303

The Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting (APM) is the place where social work education professionals collaborate, learn, teach, and grow. This year’s APM theme is "It's Time to Act: Defining and Reckoning With Anti-Racist Social Work Education" and will feature social work education presentations, an exhibit hall, and networking opportunities.

Download the 2023 Final Program.

2023 Final Program cover


Opening Plenary Session: Dr. Bernice A King

King-sm.jpgCSWE is pleased to announce that the 2023 Annual Program Meeting (APM) will kick off with a plenary session featuring a moderated conversation with Dr. Bernice A. King.

Dr. King is a global thought leader, strategist, solutionist, orator, peace advocate, and CEO of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center For Nonviolent Social Change (The King Center)(Opens in a new window), which was founded by her mother as the official living memorial to the life, work, and legacy of her father. In this position, Bernice continues to advance her parents’ legacy of nonviolent social change through policy, advocacy, research, as well as education and training through the Kingian philosophy of nonviolence, which she re-branded Nonviolence365™ (NV365). Through her work at The King Center, she educates youth and adults around the world about the nonviolent principles and strategies modeled by her parents.

Thinking About an APM Exhibit Booth? Reserve Your Space Now!

Nearly 3,000 social work education professionals attended last year’s Annual Program Meeting (APM); make sure your organization is visible by reserving an exhibit booth. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to strengthen current relationships and create new leads. Interested in exhibiting at the 2023 APM? Please take a moment to review the 2023 Prospectus for more details, or contact Georgina Salguero at for more information. See you in Atlanta! 


Land Acknowledgment Statement

CSWE acknowledges that we are on the ancestral lands of Indigenous Peoples from time immemorial. Indigenous Peoples once had and continue to have extended networks of relatives that include human and nonhuman life, as well as the seen and the unseen across diverse geopolitical and ecological spaces. CSWE recognizes and respects all Indigenous Peoples, their histories, their sovereign political rights, and their sacred ties to the land and waters. Read more.