CSWE Compass October 2020


CSWE Extends Field Hour Reduction to May 2022
Given the pervasive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) and its Commission on Accreditation (COA) announced new updates to field hours that social work programs can choose to implement through May 2022.

Kent School of Social Work Creates Scholarship in Memory of Transgender Student
The University of Louisville’s Kent School of Social Work has created a scholarship in memory of Amirage Saling, a transgender woman who graduated from the Kent School in 2019. Saling died on Sept. 13, 2020, at the age of 52. Saling was a social worker for Volunteers of America and was known as a strong advocate for HIV care. She was also the first transgender person to carry a school or college banner at a University of Louisville graduation. The scholarship in her memory will be called the Trans* Champion scholarship and will go to a Kent School student who is either transgender, genderqueer, nonbinary, or gender nonconforming, or to a student who advocates for the rights of these groups. Learn more here.


Ibram Kendi photoHow To Be an Antiracist: A Conversation With Ibram X. Kendi
CSWE is thrilled to announce that Ibram X. Kendi will be a featured speaker at the 2020 Annual Program Meeting. On Wednesday, November 18, Professor Kendi will discuss the importance of civic engagement in fighting for racial justice, how to promote policies that support equity, and why hope is central to the antiracist movement.


Cindy Blackstock photoSpeaker Spotlight: Dr. Cindy Blackstock
CSWE is delighted to host Dr. Cindy Blackstock as the Hokenstad International Lecture speaker for this year’s virtual Annual Program Meeting (APM). On November 19 Dr. Blackstock will lead a session titled “Colonialism in 2020: Seeking Equity for Nations Within Nations.” The lecture will discuss how social workers can successfully advocate for the human rights of First Nations peoples in addition to the role of social workers in making positive social change to advance human rights and social justice. The Hokenstad Lecture is generously supported by the CSWE Commission on Global Social Work Education. Register for the APM and learn more about Dr. Blackstone.

2020 APM Marketing Opportunities
Annual Program Meeting (APM) sponsorships, virtual exhibit booths, and Final Program advertisements are available! Reserve your virtual booth, ad, or sponsorship by Monday, October 26. View the opportunities here.


Social Work Responds banner

Creating an Inclusive Economy 
With the election season in full swing and the COVID-19 pandemic unabating, the national conversation about economic recovery has intensified. We know that the pandemic has affected the mental health of our clients, communities, and colleagues who already had poor access to mental and physical health care. We also know that these challenges are only exacerbated by losses of income. Social workers are essential not just in shaping this conversation but in shaping the recovery, particularly for those most vulnerable to economic downturns. Read more


Educator Resource of the Month banner

: Hispanic Heritage Month, Climate Crisis
In this month’s Educator|Resource, Rachel Forbes and Cathryne L. Schmitz, who led the production of the new Curricular Guide for Environmental Justice, share pedagogical approaches to help students feel empowered to create change as they are faced with the enormity of the climate crisis. Also this month, Diversity Center Director Dr. Yolanda Padilla discusses what Hispanic Heritage Month means for social work education at the Rutgers School of Social Work commemorative celebration.


Advncing IPE banner

IPEC Call for Applications: Interprofessional Expert Panel

The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) has partnered with the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio to develop an institutional assessment tool. This tool will standardize assessment of institutional progress toward IPE implementation using the IPEC framework, and expert panelists will contribute to the tool’s development, from item generation and selection to local pilot testing and dissemination efforts (i.e., peer-reviewed presentations and manuscripts). IPEC is currently recruiting seven experts for this interprofessional panel. Learn more about the application requirements; submission deadline is 11:59 pm PST on Wednesday, November 25, 2020.


JSWE cover(Opens in a new window)New Set of JSWE Articles on Social Justice Available Open Access
In response to current events and the pervasive social injustices facing our society, the Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE) compiled a collection of articles with a focus on race/racism, oppression, social justice, and related topics that social workers and social work educators are committed to addressing and resolving. The following articles will be open access until December 30, 2020, through the Taylor & Francis JSWE Online portal:


JSWE Call for Reviewers: Submit Your CV by October 30
The Journal of Social Work Education(Opens in a new window) (JSWE) is seeking applications for reviewers who are willing to donate their time and expertise to provide timely, relevant, and high-quality reviews of scholarly manuscripts for a 3-year term. If you are seeking an opportunity to expand your skills while making an important contribution to the social work profession, learn more and send an e-mail, a letter of interest, and your CV to jswe@cswe.org by October 30, 2020.


Environmental Justice coverNewly Released 2015 EPAS Curricular Resource, Curricular Guide for Environmental Justice  
Created through the support of the CSWE Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice(Opens in a new window), the Curricular Guide for Environmental Justice(Opens in a new window) is the newest guide in the 2015 EPAS Curricular Guide Resource Series. The guide is also the October Educator Resource of the Month(Opens in a new window). It includes generalist environmental justice competencies mapped to the 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards. Members can access the PDF guide(Opens in a new window) or order(Opens in a new window) a printed copy for purchase.  

New Report: 2019 Annual Statistics on Social Work Education in the United States  
Educational debt for baccalaureate and master’s social work graduates has reached a new high, according to the newly released 2019 Annual Statistics on Social Work Education in the United States report. This comprehensive report provides a picture of social work program offerings, students, and faculty members, including enrollment numbers, demographics, student loan debt, and salary information. New this year, the report includes a more in-depth analysis of online education and the numerous ways that online education was administered in fall 2019. Read the full report.  


Call for Nominations for CSWE’s 2021 Election
CSWE is seeking nominations of qualified candidates to serve on its Board of Directors and National Nominating Committee. Our governing bodies are instrumental to supporting the work of CSWE through their contributions to fiduciary oversight, strategic planning, and generative thinking. Service on a governing body provides opportunities for networking and expansion of leadership skills while contributing to our mission to ensure and enhance the quality of social work education. Nominations are due by Friday, November 20, 2020, at 11:59 pm (ET). Sending nominations prior to the 2020 Annual Program Meeting (November 16) is strongly encouraged. Submit your nominations here.


Social Work HEALS Webinar: Social Justice in Health Care Systems
Join us Tuesday, October 27 from 4:00–5:00 pm for the Zoom webinar, "Social justice in Health Care Systems: A Call to Action for Social Workers." Social Work HEALS scholars, moderators, and directors will lead the presentation. Click here(Opens in a new window) to learn more about the speakers and access the Zoom passcode. 

ASWB Seeks Licensing Exam Writers
The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)(Opens in a new window) is seeking qualified social workers to write questions for the licensing exams used in the United States and Canada. Practicing social workers—item writers—write all the questions on the ASWB social work licensing exams. These writers are selected for their social work expertise and balanced to reflect diversity in practice area, geography, and demographics. ASWB needs social workers from all categories of licensure with a variety of backgrounds in education and experience. Learn more and apply here.

Podcast: Can Social Workers Prevent Gun Violence?
The University at Buffalo School of Social Work’s podcast “Social Work Practice and Gun Safety in the United States: Can Social Workers Prevent Gun Violence?” features Patricia Logan-Greene and Mickey Sperlich as they describe their work exploring social work practice and our ability to decrease gun violence. With calls to "send in the social workers rather than the police" filling the national dialogue related to racial disparities in policing, the guests discuss why the social work profession might be best suited to prevent gun violence.
Join the #MacroSW Chats on Twitter
Join the #MacroSW chats on Twitter, where social workers connect about macro practice. A great addition for use in the classroom, the chats are held on Thursdays at 9:00 pm ET. Use #MacroSW to participate. Click here to learn more.
TFEL Field Research Scholars Program Now Accepting Applications
The Transforming Field Education Landscape (TFEL) partnership is recruiting social work graduate students to participate in the Field Research Scholars Program starting this fall 2020. This program is offered to MSW and PhD students, recent graduates, and new scholars entering academia with an interest in field education research. The program will be held virtually and will last the 2020–2021 academic year. Learn more about the program and how to apply here(Opens in a new window).



CSWE is recruiting for the following positions:

To apply for these career opportunities at CSWE, please submit a cover letter, résumé, and salary requirements to Human Resources, CSWE, 1701 Duke Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314; FAX: +1.703.683.8099 or jobs@cswe.org(Opens in a new window).


External submissions for the CSWE Program Spotlight, Resources, Opportunities for Members, and Events Calendar sections are welcome! View the submission guidelines for more information. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item. The content deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, November 10, 2020.
CSWE welcomes feedback for CSWE Compass.