CSWE Press

Curricular Guide for Addressing Homelessness

Topics: Pedagogy & Teaching

The Curricular Guide for Addressing Homelessness, part of the 2015 EPAS Curricular Guide Resource Series, provides tools for expanding information about homelessness in baccalaureate and master’s programs and courses. Developed in partnership with the National Center for Excellence in Homeless Services, a consortium of schools of social work, and with generous funding from the New York Community Trust, the guide is a resource to strengthen the context on homelessness in social work education and offer more opportunity to discuss how to address this topic.

The guide will help prepare future social workers to play a critical role in ending homelessness through effective leadership, research, and advocacy for evidence-based programs, housing supports, and state-of-the-art service provision. Social workers can offer a comprehensive response that addresses individual vulnerability as well as societal conditions contributing to homelessness.

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Curricular Guide for Addressing Homelessness