VOLUME Volume 60
NUMBER Issue 3
The most recently published issue of the Journal of Social Work Education is volume 60, issue 3. Listed below are the current issue's titles and authors. CSWE members may access JSWE articles online without charge, and can search the database by author, title, or keyword; view abstracts; and purchase articles.
Editorial—Introduction to the Issue
Danielle E. Parrish, Editor-in-Chief
Pages: 293–294 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2024.2410149
Original Articles
Construct Validity and Reliability of the Theory Evaluation Scale: A Factor Analysis
Rigaud Joseph
Pages: 295–309 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2023.2279770
The Role of Field Education in Preparing Social Work Students for Trauma-Informed Care: A Scoping Review
Leila C. Dal Santo, Scott D. Easton, Susan Coleman, & Kathleen Flinton
Pages: 310–333 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2023.2215273
Examining Social Work Engagement in Healthcare-Focused Interprofessional Education: A Systematic Scoping Review
Zachary Cooper & Rebecca Wells
Pages: 334–359 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2024.2352366
Teaching Students to Perform Child Welfare Assessments with Adaptable Computer-Supported Scripts and Metacognitive Reflection Prompts
Mary Opio-Göres, Ingo Kollar, & Birgit Dorner
Pages: 360–375 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2024.2338237
Advancing the Human Rights Content of the Social Work Curriculum
Chie Noyori-Corbett & David P. Moxley
Pages: 376–387 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2024.2338234
Preparing Social Workers to Promote Environmental Justice: An Exploratory Study
Karen A. Randolph, John Mathias, & Shamra Boel-Studt
Pages: 388–405 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2024.2378695
Black Male Bodies in White Female Spaces: Power, Dominance, and Myth in Social Work Education
Danté D. Bryant & Dexter Voisin
Pages: 406–418 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2024.2337368
Anti-Blackness in Schools of Social Work: A Black Feminist Polyethnography
Kelly Faye Jackson, Ijeoma N. Ogbonnaya, Ann Turnlund-Carver, Chandra Crudup, Cynthia Mackey, & Felicia Mitchell
Pages: 419–432 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2024.2338233
Reimagining Social Work Education: A Systems-Thinking Approach to a BSW/MSW Program for Community College Students
Lissette M. Piedra, Christine Escobar-Sawicki, & Carol Wilson Smith
Pages: 433–447 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2022.2144977
Preparing to Intervene in Intimate Partner Violence: An Interprofessional Safety Planning and Assessment Simulation
Saltanat Childress, Ricka Mammah, Rachel Voth Schrag, Karla Arenas-Itotia, Tracy Orwig, Jenny Roye, Jackie Michael, Thomas Dombrowsky, & Lynda Jarrell
Pages: 448–462 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2023.2298392
Teaching Notes
Teaching Note—Designing and Implementing Interprofessional Simulation: A Social Work, Nursing, and Pharmacy Collaboration
Anne Dempsey, Nicholas Lanzieri, Janna Roitman, & Mary Brennan
Pages: 463–472 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2024.2327310
Teaching Note—Innovating the Curriculum: Bringing History Back Into Social Work Education
Mimi Abramovitz, Laura Curran, Justin S. Harty, Jessica Toft, & Stephen Monroe Tomczak
Pages: 473–479 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2023.2290481
Letter to the Editor
The Duties We Owe to One Another
Melinda Manning
Pages: 480–482 | DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2023.2172497