

The direct vote of member program delegates and an elected Board of Directors govern CSWE. The Board is composed of members from across the country and represents educational programs, faculty, practitioners, ethnic minority groups, and private citizens. CSWE's membership includes individuals from the entire field of social work: graduate and undergraduate educational programs, public agencies, voluntary agencies, social work educators, field instructors, and other interested persons.

Members volunteer their knowledge and time by serving on the CSWE Board of Accreditation and various commissions, councils, and task forces. All volunteers must maintain current CSWE membership.

Board of Accreditation

Board of Accreditation members are appointed for 3-year terms by the CSWE Board Chair in July. 

Councils and Commissions

Council and commission members are appointed for 3-year terms by the CSWE Board Chair in July. 

  • The National Nominating Committee prepares the double slate of nominees for officers, members of the Board of Directors, and members of the National Nominating Committee.