New Program Applicant Process

New Applicant Social Work Programs 

The Board of Accreditation (BOA) of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) is recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) to accredit baccalaureate and master’s social work degree programs in the United States and its territories. Information for institutions seeking to accredit new baccalaureate or master's in social work programs is outlined on this page. 

In addition to baccalaureate and master’s program accreditation, CSWE-BOA also accredits post-master’s social work fellowship programs and recently piloted the accreditation processes for practice doctorate programs; visit the respective pages for further information. 

New Applicant Process

Declare your intent to seek accreditation

  • Email the Accreditation Services Manager(Opens in a new window) to be added to the expressed interest list. Please include:

    • Instiution Information​​​​:

      • Institution Name

      • State

      • President/Chancellor Name and Credentials

      • President/Chancellor Email

    • Program Information

      • Level (Baccalaureate or Master's)

      • Primary Contact Name and Credentials (see policy 4.1 in Accreditation Policy Handbook)

      • Primary Contact Email

Submit Candidacy Eligibility Application and Pay Candidacy Eligibility Fee

Submit 2022 EPAS Benchmark 1 materials:

Review and Approval by Accreditation Services Manager(Opens in a new window) 

  • Once approved, program is granted pre-candidacy status and is assigned to an accreditation specialist.

  • For information regarding the candidacy process, from pre-candidacy through initial accreditaiton decision, please visit Candidacy Process.

Training and Consultations

Drop-In Group Consultations

Join the Accreditation Services Manager(Opens in a new window) for drop-in group consultations on the candidacy process(Opens in a new window). While these consultations are optional, we encourage all institutions considering accreditation to attend. Registration information can be found below. Please stay tuned for additional drop-in session dates.

The drop in sessions are applicable from the exploration phase through granting of pre-candidacy status/Benchmark 1 approval by CSWE Staff. All program faculty members and administrators are welcome to attend; a team-approach is encouraged. Topics discussed cover understanding timetable considerations, retroactive accreditation in relation to student admittance, required institutional actions to demonstrate accreditation eligibility. 

In addition, we recommend emailing the Accreditation Services Manager(Opens in a new window) to be added to the expressed interest list. Please include: 


Day of the Week

Time (Eastern)

Registration Link



12:00-1:15pm in a new window)

3/26/2025 Wednesday 1:00-2:15pm in a new window)
4/9/2025 Wednesday 1:00-2:15pm in a new window)
4/22/2025 Tuesday 12:00-1:15pm in a new window)
5/6/2025 Tuesday 1:00-2:15pm in a new window)
5/21/2025 Wednesday 12:00-1:15pm in a new window)

One-on-one consultations are available as necessary. Email the Accreditation Services Manager to inquire and coordinate a time.
